Little Bent Tree Finds Peace

"Good morning," said the light, as it peaked over distant trees.

"I'm not well," said a bent little tree in the middle of a beaver pond.

"You're all bent over," said the light.

"I'm so cold and damp," said the weak little tree.

"Let me warm you," said the generous light of the Sun.

"It's just not fair," said the tree. "I once stood proudly by a flowing creek. I had dreams of being the tallest tree in the forest. I was growing stronger, doing my job, cleaning the air, giving flying creatures a place to perch, offering my leaves to enrich the soil. I was proud and beautiful. Then beavers came and built this pond ... and the rising waters have surely killed me."

"Can you move to higher ground?  Can you do anything more to help yourself?  If not, accept your fate. Life is not about being fair; it's about starting where you are and doing what you can to live a productive and meaningful life," said the wise old Sun. "It's about doing good."

"Look at me, weak and bent, soon to collapse into this wretched water. Then look at my giant friends that surround me. They are tall and strong and have lived long lives. But I am young and soon to die."

"Have you lived at all? These questions I ask of you, young one, as I would ask of the oldest tree in the forest when his numbered days have dwindled down toward zero. Have you done good things? Have you fulfilled responsibilities you've been given? Have your leaves nourished the ground? Have you breathed in and breathed out in cleansing triumph? Have the tiny feet of winged creatures tickled your limbs?  Have you felt my warmth each morning as I brightened up your day?"

"Yes, I have." The little tree smiled thoughtfully.

"Then be thankful for gifts you've received. Be proud of your life. Your struggle is near its end. Before you rest in the peace of eternity, make your personal peace with this blessed life you’ve been given. For now ... I tell you to remember your cherished friends, prepare yourself, and say your goodbyes. And then, as my light fades away from you, remember your efforts, your accomplishments, remember your dreams, remember your gifts, and know that the life you lived made a difference. And know one more thing: like each of your tall-standing friends, you will not be forgotten. Your friends will remember you in their lives ... and I will forever remember you as you once were. Throughout all time, I will know you, as proud and beautiful and good."

And with that, the morning sun, that bright sweet light, rose higher in the sky and beamed down even more of its warm, comforting rays onto the little tree ... and for a while, that bent little tree was warm and comfortable and filled with sweet remembrances.